On Thursday, August 15th Cornerstone Research Group (CRG) received a visit from U.S. Congressman Michael R. Turner (OH-10). CRG Executives met with the Congressman and thanked him for his support in introducing their $7 million project, Advanced Carbon-Carbon Composites Manufacturing for Accelerated Hypersonic Technology Development, into the FY 2020 House Defense Appropriations and Defense Authorization Bills. The executive team also took time to share information about CRG’s most recent achievements and their current growth initiatives. The Congressman was given an extensive tour of the facilities and projects at CRG and was enthusiastic about the company’s future.
“We are honored that Congressman Turner, and his staff, took the time to visit CRG and to have their support for our efforts to obtain congressional funding for the accelerated maturation of technologies addressing the top priority for the Department of Defense,” said Chris Hemmelgarn, VP of Strategic Development. “We look forward to working with Congressman Turner, and his team, as CRG continues to drive revenue growth and job creation for the Dayton region.”