Examples of Our Technologies –> eHealth Monitoring Garment
Contact UsWorkers in arduous field conditions, such as chemical disposal groups, or soldiers in theater or training missions, often endure occupational heat stress. Vital signs via physiological monitoring offer actionable insights into a patient’s well-being, thus enabling proactive intervention as needed. The eHealth garment provides a non-intrusive solution worn under protective clothing for vitals monitoring. The garment utilizes a comfortable garment structure to keep low-profile, conformal sensor electronics in place, eliminating bulky modules without compromising accuracy. Click to view full tech sheet.
eHealth monitors real-time vitals for patients with the following features:
- Comfort – Garment design limits sensor movement without compromising comfort
- Wireless Communication – Data collection for ECG, heart rate, breathing rate, temperature, and accelerometry for body position/motion
- Easy Removal – Buttonholes integrated into the garment and sensor make for easy removal and cleaning
- Flexible Circuitry – Allows the hardware to more easily conform to the patient’s body contours
- Remote Monitoring – Demonstrated user app for remote monitoring with an Android-based mobile device
- Water Resistance – Encapsulation and garment designed to protect sensor hardware from fluid exposure