Mobility Virtual Assistant


Photo of person with artificial lower limb
CRG’s MVA system helps patients with
lower limb loss

Examples of Our Technologies –> Mobility Virtual Assistant

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CRG’s Mobility Virtual Assistant a user-friendly system to support reducing rehabilitation time and cost for patients with lower limb loss or risk of falling. MVA helps patients return to work and socially reintegrate, and it is appropriate for any individual whose fall risk can be mitigated through feedback, monitoring, and reporting. Click to view full tech sheet.

As a training tool for fall-risk patients, the MVA system helps maximize rehabilitation effectiveness by providing:

  • Fall Risk Assessment – Custom algorithms for continuous fall risk assessment based on fall history, gait, training compliance, and other metrics
  • Continuous Tracking – Gait monitoring, training, and fall reporting outside of clinic for clinician diagnostics with over 20 metrics
  • Improved Diagnostic Data – Increased fall documentation for clinician diagnostics, fall risk assessment, and overall balance and mobility improvement
  • Comfortable Wearables – Wearable sensor platform for increased gait and balance diagnostics for the clinician from both inside and outside of the clinic
  • Patient-Friendly Data – Breaking down complex gait metrics into easily understandable roll-up scores that patients can interpret
  • Customizable Training – Customizable to-do list style tasks and schedules provided to the patient by the clinician and tracked via the mobile application
Diagram showing MVA system and the graphs and metrics associated with it
The MVA system allows gait and movement monitoring for both patients and clinicians