Advanced Battery Technology Entering Electric Aviation Market via CRG Spinoff, Lectratek LLC
CRG’s advanced battery capability has been seeded and matured through numerous SBIR and non-SBIR ($7.2M) programs with the Air Force, NASA, Army, and SOCOM. CRG’s portfolio ranges from advanced, non-flammable lithium battery chemistries and cell design to pack integration with active battery management systems and cell monitoring. In 2021, CRG invested over $2.5M in a battery cell production line capable of manufacturing 40,000 cells per shift per year, with a focus on CRG’s defense mission and an emphasis on domestic sourcing of materials. This is one of the only lines in the United States capable of processing lithium-metal battery chemistries.

CRG was also awarded a Phase III SBIR IDIQ from GSA in 2022 with a $69.4M ceiling and a focus on advancing battery power system technologies for aerospace and defense needs. The first task order, worth $4.5M, is developing a domestically produced battery cell and pack for high power applications. Although these investments are supporting Defense applications, these technologies have significant dual-use potential in commercial markets. In 2022, CRG executed a license agreement with Lectratek LLC, a CRG spinoff, for product sales into electric aviation. CRG’s portable battery products for Defense applications are sold through its Agile Power business unit.