Smart Tooling Used in Manufacture of Defense Systems via CRG Spinoff, Spintech Holdings

Developed under funding from the Air Force SBIR program starting in 2002, CRG’s smart tooling technology was assigned to Spintech Holdings, Inc., a CRG spinoff, in late 2010 for driving product evolution, sales, and manufacturing. Spintech has successfully completed multiple funding rounds, which includes funds from institutional investors, to drive product evolution and growth in the business. CRG began as the majority shareholder, but now enjoys a healthy minority position. CRG’s Smart Tooling had received more than $20M in non-SBIR RDT&E funding for tech maturation from the DoD and commercial partners prior to spinning off the technology.
Since being formed, Spintech Holdings has received over $44M in business. Smart Tooling is being used by defense primes to manufacture composite structures for UAVs and armaments, rocket makers to manufacture landing gear, commercial jet manufacturers for control surface composite structures, and numerous other applications. The Air Force Research Laboratories funded development work over the past few years for attritable aircraft that matured into production orders to manufacture the structural composite inlet duct for the Kratos XQ-58A Valkyrie.